Chosen To Be The Alpha's Surrogate

⊰ 5 ⊱ Glowing Eyes

** Penelope **

"No pickles, extra ketchup, hold the attitude." The man at the counter gives me a smarmy wink as he rattles off his order, his eyes drifting unsubtly to the strained buttons of my pink polyester uniform top. *Eww... So fucking gross.*

I swallow the growl of annoyance threatening to rise in my throat, schooling my features into some semblance of customer service cheer. "Coming right up, sir."

The words taste like acid but I've learned to choke them down, just like every other indignity of this soul-sucking job. After having to move into my own apartment with the finalization of the divorce, I had no choice but to take whatever work I could scrounge up. Extra shifts at the diner, late nights at greasy fast food joints, even a few shifts at the seedy "*massage parlor*" on the edge of town. Anything to keep a roof over our heads and save some semblance of a nest egg for when the baby comes.

It's demeaning and exhausting, but it's necessary.

It's been two weeks since I confronted Donovan and his mistress. The credit card company absolved me of his fraudulent charges but that just means I'm back to being flat broke. So here I am, dragging my pregnant ass through endless shifts and reminding myself it's all for him-the tiny boy growing beneath my heart.

A sudden sharp yell from the kitchen jolts me from my reverie. The order is up and I hurry to grab the tray, wincing as the movement pulls at my aching back. Weaving through the maze of sticky tables, I paste on my best approximation of a smile as I approach the customer.

But my feet choose that exact moment to mutiny, a vicious leg cramp sending me stumbling. In horrified slow motion, I watch the tray sip, sending its contents splattering against the oversized man's crisp white shirt. For a moment, there's absolute silence. Then the screaming starts and it's like I'm living the next round of minutes in a state of limbo.

The customer rockets out of his seat, bellowing about lawsuits and reparations even as he tries to scrape globs of ketchup-soaked meat from his stained button-down. I scramble to apologize, to offer napkins, but my words just seem to enrage him further.

And before I can fully process it all, the manager, Josh, is here, his doughy face purpling with barely contained anger. He quells the irate man's tirade with promises of free meals and gift cards before rounding on me in the kitchen, one pudgy finger jabbing the air.

"You! What the hell was that? You trying to put me out of business?" He doesn't wait for an answer, his face twisting into an ugly sneer as he looks me up and down. "Forget it, you're more trouble than you're worth. Always runnin' off to puke or take one of your breaks. I shoulda known better than to hire a useless bitch like you."

His words hit me like physical blows and it's all I can do to keep from doubling over. Unconsciously, my hand moves to cradle my belly, trying to shield my unborn son from the hatred spewing from this wretched man. "Please," I manage to choke out between tears and sobs I hardly register. "It was an accident, just let me "

"Did I ask for excuses?" He snatches my name tag from my chest, the pin stabbing painfully into my skin. "You're done. Grab your shit and get out before I call the cops for destruction of property!"

*No...I can't afford to lose this job.*

I reel back, my hand pressed to my racing heart.

*This can't be happening...*

I open my mouth to beg, to plead for just one more chance, but I can't muster more than a helpless sob as tears spill hot and fast down my cheeks.

Josh's face twists with disgust, as if my very existence offends him. "Save the waterworks, sweetheart. Ain't gonna work on me." He reaches into his pocket, pulling out a crumpled envelope and shoving it at me. "Here's your last paycheck. Now get the hell out of my sight before I throw you out myself."

Shame and despair war in my chest as I take the envelope with shaky hands. I don't bother with any parting words, not trusting myself to not completely break down if I open my mouth. Instead, I grab my purse from under the counter, shooting glances at the sympathetic faces of my co-workers before taking my leave, my vision blurred with tears.

The cool night air is a shock against my flushed, damp face as I stumble into the alley behind the restaurant. I can't seem to catch my breath, each inhale shuddering and shallow as I lean heavily against the gitty brick wall.

This job, demeaning as it was, was my last lifeline. The only thing keeping me from being out on the streets, unable to provide even the barest necessities for my baby. And now, thanks to my own clumsiness and this hateful excuse of a man, even that is gone.

A sudden cramp seizes my belly and I hiss, doubling over as I press my palm to the spot. "'s okay," I murmur, blinking back fresh tears. "Mama's here. I'm so sorry, baby boy. I'm trying. I swear, I'm trying..." *But am I really?*

It feels like I'm failing him, like I'm failing at everything. A broken sob wrenches from my throat as I slide down the wall into a crouch, burying my face in my hands.

*A moment. I just need a minute to fall apart before I have to be strong again.*

I'm so lost in my own misery, I don't hear the footsteps until they're right on top of me.

"Well, well. What do we have here?"

The deep voice of a man, rough and mocking, meets my ears. My head snaps up, my heart leaping into my throat as I take in the three figures looming over me. Even in the dim light of the alley, I can see the cruel glint in their eyes, the predatory set of their shoulders.

"Looks like somebody just got paid," the dark haired one in the middle drawls, his gaze zeroing in on the envelope clutched in my hand.

*No...I can't lose this money too. Please, please, please. Just give me a fucking break!*

"What's the matter, sweetheart? Boyfriend knock you up and leave you high and dry?" he adds distastefully.

"Nah, she's probably turning tricks. Gotta make that cash for the little bastard somehow, right?" The one on the left leers, reaching out to run a finger down my cheek.

I jerk away, revulsion and fear churning my gut. "Don't touch me," I snap, hating the tremor in my voice as I push to stand on shaky legs. "I don't want any trouble. Just let me go."

They laugh, stepping closer, hemming me in against the wall. "Oh, I think you do want trouble," the ringleader says, his hand darting out to grip my chin painfully. "In fact, I think you're *gagging* for it. Why don't you hand over that envelope and maybe we'll let you suck our cocks as a thank you."

Bile rises in my throat as I force it down, trying to think past the terror clouding my mind. "Please," I whisper, a whimper emitting from the back of my throat as I feel his fingers bruising my face. "It's all I have. I need it for my baby..."

"Tough shit." The one on the right kicks at my ankle, tearing a yelp from my throat. "You should've thought before spreading your legs like a whore."

*This can't be happening...*

Frantically, I look past them, praying for a passing car, an open door, anything. But the alley is deserted, the street beyond quiet and dark-the perfect place for a crime.

*No one is coming to save me.*

The leader makes a grab for the envelope and I yank away on instinct. "Is that how you wanna play it, bitch?" I see his hand come up, and in the next moment, I see stars as he backhands me.

I cry out as I hit the ground, the stinging shooting through my cheek, pain exploding in my temple. Instinctively, I curl around my belly, shielding it with my body as the thugs descend on me.

I wait for it, expecting it, but the blows never come. Instead there's a sudden rush of air, a blur of a shadow, and then the sickening crunch of bone meeting brick. Grunts of pain and the scuff of boots fill the alley and I risk a glance up, hardly daring to breathe.


My attackers are sprawled on the ground, groaning and clutching at various parts of their bodies. And standing over them, chest heaving, is a man unlike any I've ever seen.

Tall, muscular in a duster that swirls around his ankles. Dark hair frames his sharp face, a face that might be beautiful if it wasn't so terrifying in its fury.noveldrama

But it's the eyes that make my breath catch in my throat, that send a thrill of something that might be fear or awe or both shivering down my spine. They're glowing, literally lit from within by an eerie iridescent blue that cuts through the shadows like a blade.

*What are you..?*

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